
The Initial Situation

Since the beginning of 2020, all Assessments of Germany's largest media agency network groupM have been implemented completely digitally with Applysia - the limited office space is no longer an obstacle.

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groupM, headquartered in Düsseldorf, is the largest media agency network in Germany and thus the leading agency group for media investment and consultancy. With around 2,500 employees, it supports its customers in presenting their advertisements to the right target group at the right time. This means that groupM is responsible for broadcasting every third advertising message worldwide. The trend-setting media agency bases its success on the expert knowledge of its employees and the strong focus on teamwork, diversity and customer orientation.

Before Applysia

The Initial Situation

groupM uses Assessment Centers for the internal selection of Junior Managers. These are almost always attended by an HR Employee and a Specialist Supervisor. The four to five hour Short-Assessments take place several times a week.

In the daily execution of the (classic) analog personnel selection processes, the critical factor was Space, in addition to the Time, taken up by the preparation and implementation of the Assessments. The search for a way to optimize the selection processes and make them faster and at the same time more userfriendly was unsuccessful for a long time.

  • Time and space for Assessments too limited
  • No optimal Assessment process
  • With Applysia

    The Solution

    The setup of the Software and the familiarization of the employees with the Applysia tools is fast and smooth. The user centered Design and the intuitive Structure of the Software make it easy to use and the preparation of the Assessments is child's play.

    The modern and appealing Interface of the Applysia App and Web-App is attractive to both candidates and observers and has a positive effect on Employer Branding and the company's image. 

    The digital Notes Function improves the Observer Experience. Writing on the tablet offers many more options that are far superior to previous paper-pencil personnel selection methods. In this way, Applysia also makes a significant contribution to the company's Sustainability Strategy, as the amount of paper required has been greatly reduced through the use of the digital Software.

    The possibility to create templates for Assessments and to duplicate them again and again leads to enormous Time Savings and additional Relief in the preparation of Assessments. 

    The Software's Consolidation Function creates a clear advantage: Decision Making becomes even more efficient and userfriendly through innovative and modern UI. 

    The digital Availability of all required Materials and the Ability to capture everything at a glance - without having to search through mountains of paper and notes beforehand - make Applysia a Must-Have in everyday Assessments.

    By using the Software, many new features and options are available that go beyond existing possibilities, especially in analog Assessment Centers.

    What users say

    We are very happy with the decision to use Applysia. Many things work very intuitively. Applysia makes life much easier - and the rainforest thanks me.

    Hanna Kraft

    Learning and Development Manager
    at groupM

    Assessments with Applysia

    • Digital Availability of all required materials saves Time and Space
    • Simple and userfriendly Assessment preparation
    • Intuitive implementation of Assessments