
About HRpepper

Since the middle of 2020, HRpepper has been conducting all Assessments for new customers digitally with Applysia.

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HRpepper has been shaping organizations for the future since 2012 - with a curious eye and innovative methods. HRpepper supports companies in very different topics - and yet all consulting projects are about Transformation.

Before Applysia

The Initial Situation

HRpepper advises companies and organizations on their digital transformation and therefore requires innovative Processes and sustainable Systems for its product portfolio.

Up to now, the preparation of Assessments by printing, sorting and binding the observers' folders took up a lot of Time and Personnel. Especially short-term changes were associated with high Effort .

Legal regulations require that all Assessment documents have to be archived for a limited Period of Time, which in the past required renting additional office space.

  • Time and resource intensive processes
  • High Effort, especially for changes in the schedule at short notice
  • Financial and logistical challenge for archiving Assessment documents
  • With Applysia

    The Solution

    The digital Solution eliminates the need to print, sort and bind all Assessment folders. Each Assessment is prepared only once, can be adapted at any time and made available to a number of observers. This makes the preparation efficient, the implementation more sustainable.

    Without the classic observer folder with a multitude of pages, the implementation of Assessments becomes much clearer and easier. 

    Applysia not only digitalizes a previously analog process, but through digital consolidation also adds value to the Quality of the Decision. The user-friendly decision making becomes more efficient and the User Experience for (expert) observers increases.

    The iPad App guarantees an Assessment at eye level, without visible barriers and irritation between candidates and observers. The contemporary Appearance has a positive effect on the Employer Brand.

    The legal Storage of Data according to GDPR takes place online and can be integrated into existing IT infrastructures thanks to the extensive export options, eliminating the need for physical storage of documents.

    What users say

    With Applysia, the change is not only easy, but working with the iPad is also really fun. In this way, we are taking a consistent step towards Digitization and at the same time making an overdue contribution to the issue of Sustainability.

    Carsten Sura

    Responsible for the Subject and Product Area "Assessing Competencies"
    at HRpepper

    Assessments with Applysia

    • Clear and simple process
    • One-time creation of Assessments that can be customized, copied, and edited at any time
    • GDPR compliant online archiving with customizable automatic deletion date