Rethink Assessment

Applysia is a SaaS-platform that increases efficiency, fairness & validity of your HR selection.

Assessment Software auf einem iPad

Companies in all industries rely on us

How Applysia works

Identifying the right Talent

With Applysia, all steps of your Assessment, from planning to feedback, are easily and intuitively digitized.

1. Define Requirements

You specify the relevant competencies and requirements in our Software.

2. Assessing Candidates

You rate the candidates in the interaction using our App.

3. Decision and Evaluation

You compare the candidates with regard to the relevant competencies and receive feedback for process improvement.


Why Applysia?



We use the latest platforms for Software and Hardware and can thus create novel solutions.



Our Software is based on DIN 33430 for personnel selection and is further developed on a data basis.



Based on your requirements our Software is configured individually
- with your Corporate Design.



The communication runs encrypted and exclusively via German data centers and is of course GDPR-compliant.

Assessments at the VHV Group

  • Since June 2020, almost all VHV Group Assessment Centers have been conducted digitally with Applysia.
  • In our case study, we report on the benefits of using Applysia for all stakeholders.
  • In this interview, Benedikt Oerters (HR Specialist Assessment Center) reports on his experiences with Applysia.

Personnel selection of the Future

We have already achieved a lot so far - but we still we have a lot more planned! 🚀






Pages paper saved


Hours of time saved


What our Customers say

Hanna Kraft

Learning and Development Manager at groupM

We are very happy with the decision to use Applysia. Many things work very intuitively. Applysia makes life much easier - and the rainforest thanks me.

Christoph Aldering

Managing Director bei aestimamus

The collaboration with Applysia creates a truly serious provider that also takes into account the requirements in the area of 'Top Management Diagnostics'.

Lena Stiefermann

Managerin bei ifp

Applysia helps us to professionally implement our global remote Assessments and minimize technical disruptions.

Carsten Sura

Principal Consultant at HRpepper

With Applysia, the change is not only easy, but working with the iPad is also really fun. In this way, we are taking a consistent step towards Digitization and at the same time making an overdue contribution to the issue of Sustainability.

Andreas Scheuber

Senior Manager 
bei Avenir Group

Great Software - easy and intuitive to use, increased objectivity due to behavioral anchor level Assessment, a good Candidate Experience, and nicely presented, graphical candidate comparisons in no time.

Susanne Kullmann

Consultant Personal- & Eignungsdiagnostik bei scan.up

I experience Applysia as a totally well thought-out system that optimally covers the needs of all participants - whether moderators, observers or participants. Applysia is comprehensive and surprises with functions that facilitate the organization of an AC enormously. And yet the Software is not overloaded, but rather the focus remains on the essentials.


Book a free Demo

Book a free Demo Appointment with us.
We are pleased to present you our Product.
